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"Together for Them" project established by El Ami - El Atzmi non profit organization

POB 747, Hod Hasharon, ISRAEL

Bringing wounded IDF combat veterans to schools and Jewish communities, enabling them to tell their inspiring stories.
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Wounded IDF soldiers' delegations visit major Jewish communities 

Delegation goals

Building stronger ties and strengthening the bonds between the State of Israel and the diaspora. 

Bringing wounded IDF combat veterans to schools and Jewish communities, enabling them to tell their awe inspiring stories, intertwined with values of leadership, resourcefulness, optimism, and Zionism.

Enabling the Jewish community in the Diaspora to express its appreciation and gratitude to the Israeli fighters who live among us.

Turning the Day of Recognition for Wounded IDF Soldiers and Victims of Terror attacks, the "Honor Day" to be an important day in the Jewish calendar, and to be celebrated wherever there are Jews

The Delegation

The "Together for them" program leads delegations of wounded IDF soldiers to meetings in Jewish communities and schools throughout the Jewish world (currently active in Mexico City, NY and LA area) and thus strengthening the bonds between the Jewish communities and the State of Israel.

Wounded IDF soldiers come to schools and communities and in exciting and inspiring meetings tell their personal stories, answer audience questions and share experiences from the battles, and the ongoing struggle to overcome and succeed despite injuries and disabilities.

Face-to-face meeting - The wounded soldiers, who have experienced the complex Israeli reality firsthand, reach the various schools and communities, and allow Jewish youth to be exposed to Israel up-close and personal through interactive dialogue 

Educational content - Each school receives, pre – delegation, an informational packet that includes activities, talking points and movies allowing the school to start the conversation and the process ahead of time. 

Shabbat in the community – Families get the opportunity to host these brave soldiers in their home celebrating the Shabbat together culminating in a community event hosted by their local synagogue. 

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The Messages in the Stories 

  • Love of Israel –

    • Defending our home

    • Being emissaries of the Jewish people

  • Jewish Values –

    • Gratitude

    • Mutual responsibility ("Arvut Hadadit")

    • Dedication and sacrifice ("Mesirut Nefesh") 

    • Giving

  • The triumph of the spirit

    • Overcoming difficulties despite limitations

    • Change in life and setting new goals

    • Finding the hidden inner power within us 

Participant feedback

It was a very powerful presentation – Our students enjoyed very much.

Thank you for coming to our school!

Kol tuv,

Rabbi Jonathan Muskat

(YDE School - Yeshivat Darche Eres Inc.)

"It was truly inspiring to hear their stories and how they persevered following such hardships. The videos made me emotional and I was captivated by their amazing stories."  --Sivan Karz, 11th grader at Shalhevet High School


The Delegations plan

  • Sending 4-8 wounded IDF combat veterans for 7-10 days around Nov. Dec.

  • The delegation members will stay with local families.

  • Visiting Jewish schools and communities.

    • middle school and up, Jewish and Hebrew schools, youth movements, Jewish communities.

  • In front of a specific class, or for the entire school or community center

  • ~1 hour meetings.

  • Two wounded IDF veterans in each meeting.

  • Each veteran will show a short video about himself and his injury, followed by a more detailed talk by the veteran.

  • The meeting end with Q&A session

  • Multiple meetings per day.

  • In the evening conducting special meetings with the  Jewish communities in private houses or Synagogues .

Schools, Communities and others that participate in the Delegation


Leading values 


Love of Israel – Faith – Gratitude – partnership  

Ahavat Israel - the inner force that drives the program and the wounded of the IDF, who take part in it. Love that does not depend on the people of Israel and its state - "Kol Israel Arevim Ze La-Ze".


Faith - "Hope is an act of faith". - Belief in human life, in the life of the nation, in the long-standing Jewish tradition. Belief in the inner strengths of each one breeds optimism and a positive attitude towards life. "Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the big picture". 


Gratitude - Seeing the good as a key component in life. To give thanks for what is and strive to win all the time out of a desire to increase the good in the world. See constantly the half full glass and from it, strive to fill the other half. "Modde Ani" before "Ani Modde". 


 Partnership - A worldview in which a person sees himself as taking part in processes and not as standing aside.

A deep understanding that partnering with the talents and abilities which are scattered around the world can lead to greater perfection. "Two are better than one".

צור קשר


אהבת ישראל -  אמונה 

 הכרת הטוב - שותפות 

ערכים מובילים

אהבת ישראל - הכח הפנימי המניע את התכנית ואת פצועי צה"ל, שלוקחים בו חלק. אהבה שאינה תלויה בדבר בעם ישראל ובמדינתו - "כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה".


אמונה - "התקווה היא מעשה של אמונה". - אמונה בחיי האדם, בחיי האומה, במסורת היהודית רבת השנים. אמונה בכוחות הפנימיים שבכל אחד המולידה אופטימיות וגישה חיובית לחיים "אמונה היא לעשות את הצעד הראשון גם כשאינך רואה את התמונה הגדולה".


הכרת הטוב - ראיית הטוב כמרכיב מרכזי בחיים. להודות על מה שיש ולשאוף לנצח כל הזמן מתוך רצון להגביר את הטוב בעולם. לראות כל הזמן את חצי הכוס המלאה ומתוכה לשאוף למלא את החצי השני. "מודה אני" לפני "אני מודה".


שותפות - תפיסת עולם שבמסגרתה רואה האדם את עצמו כלוקח חלק בתהליכים ולא כעומד מהצד.

הבנה עמוקה שהכישרונות מפוזרים הם בעולם והשותפות הינה ערך המוביל לשלמות גדולה יותר. "טובים השניים מן האחד"

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