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"Together for Them" project established by 

El Ami - El Atzmi non profit organization

POB 747, Hod Hasharon, ISRAEL

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Bringing wounded IDF combat veterans to schools and Jewish communities, enabling them to tell their inspiring stories.

The YOM KIPPUR WAR - Workshop


The Yom Kippur War broke out at 1:50 PM on Saturday, Yom Kippur, October 6, 1973. The war lasted 19 days and, by its conclusion, claimed the lives of approximately 2,600 IDF soldiers.


To this day, the Yom Kippur war is considered the worst national trauma experienced by Israeli society. However, the end result is still considered an incredible military achievement in the eyes of many armies throughout the world. This paradox contributes to the complexity of the war and its impact on Israel. The Yom Kippur War was a turning point in Israel history and deserves, 50 year later, to be studied to appreciate its significance on the Israel landscape.


El Ami - El Atzmi developed this curriculum in collaboration with Rabbi Dr. David Hertzberg, the director of the Yeshivah of Flatbush William S. Levine Family Shoah Institute and in partnership with UnitEd. UnitEd is an initiative of the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs supporting the work of Jewish days schools throughout the world.  The objectives of UnitEd are to deepen Jewish identity, strengthen the connection with Israel, and help build local Jewish community.  


This Yom Kippur curriculum includes power point presentations, teachers guides, short videos, and engaging activities to help students grapple with the great challenges posed by a war that broke out on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar.

Please watch a short video message from Yom Kippur War hero, Brigadier General (ret.) Avigdor Kahalani supporting this project.

We look forward to this joint study.


Workshop material


Download Presentation -

צילום מסך 2023-09-26 105456.png
Presentation - Unit 1A
צילום מסך 2023-09-26 105601.png
Presentation - Unit 1B

Teacher's guide -

צילום מסך 2023-09-27 150925.png
Teachers' Guide - Unit1

Download pictures for slide-7 -

Israeli Army forces enter the old city.jpg
Pictures for the presentation

Teacher's Introduction and instruction video -

Enrichment Videos -

Eli Zeira’s 2013 lecture

WorkShop-2 - Intelligence Failures and Mitigating the Influence of Cognitive Biases

Download Presentation -

צילום מסך 2023-09-26 110111.png
Presentation - Unit 2

Teacher's guide -

צילום מסך 2023-09-27 151236.png
Teachers' Guide - Unit 2

Download matching game -

Matching game's cards

Teacher's Introduction and instruction video -


WorkShop-3 - Decision-Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty 


Download Presentation -

צילום מסך 2023-09-26 110225.png
Presentation - Unit 3

Teacher's guide -

צילום מסך 2023-09-27 151502.png
Teachers' Guide - Unit 3

Discussion: Is war about to break? -

Discussion - Is war about to break?

Teacher's Introduction and instruction video -

צילום מסך 2023-09-26 114145.png
צילום מסך 2023-09-26 114918.png
Teachers' Annex
15-1-4063-דצ (1)_edited_edited.jpg

WorkShop-4 - Leadership 


Download Presentation -

צילום מסך 2023-09-26 110337.png
Presentation - Unit 4

Teacher's guide -

צילום מסך 2023-09-27 151709.png
Teachers' Guide - Unit 4

Leaders characteristics -


Teacher's Introduction and instruction video -


WorkShop-5 - Individual Heroes 


Download Presentation -

צילום מסך 2023-09-26 175740.png
Presentation - Unit 5

Teacher's guide -

Teacher's Introduction and instruction video -

צילום מסך 2023-09-27 152226.png
Teachers' Guide - Unit 5

WorkShop-6 - Consequences and Lessons Learned 


Download Presentation -

צילום מסך 2023-09-26 175740.png
Presentation - Unit 6

Teacher's guide -

Teacher's Introduction and instruction video -

צילום מסך 2023-09-27 152443.png
Teachers' Guide - Unit 6

Leading values 


Love of Israel – Faith – Gratitude – partnership  

Ahavat Israel - the inner force that drives the program and the wounded of the IDF, who take part in it. Love that does not depend on the people of Israel and its state - "Kol Israel Arevim Ze La-Ze".


Faith - "Hope is an act of faith". - Belief in human life, in the life of the nation, in the long-standing Jewish tradition. Belief in the inner strengths of each one breeds optimism and a positive attitude towards life. "Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the big picture". 


Gratitude - Seeing the good as a key component in life. To give thanks for what is and strive to win all the time out of a desire to increase the good in the world. See constantly the half full glass and from it, strive to fill the other half. "Modde Ani" before "Ani Modde". 


 Partnership - A worldview in which a person sees himself as taking part in processes and not as standing aside.

A deep understanding that partnering with the talents and abilities which are scattered around the world can lead to greater perfection. "Two are better than one".

צור קשר


אהבת ישראל -  אמונה 

 הכרת הטוב - שותפות 

ערכים מובילים

אהבת ישראל - הכח הפנימי המניע את התכנית ואת פצועי צה"ל, שלוקחים בו חלק. אהבה שאינה תלויה בדבר בעם ישראל ובמדינתו - "כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה".


אמונה - "התקווה היא מעשה של אמונה". - אמונה בחיי האדם, בחיי האומה, במסורת היהודית רבת השנים. אמונה בכוחות הפנימיים שבכל אחד המולידה אופטימיות וגישה חיובית לחיים "אמונה היא לעשות את הצעד הראשון גם כשאינך רואה את התמונה הגדולה".


הכרת הטוב - ראיית הטוב כמרכיב מרכזי בחיים. להודות על מה שיש ולשאוף לנצח כל הזמן מתוך רצון להגביר את הטוב בעולם. לראות כל הזמן את חצי הכוס המלאה ומתוכה לשאוף למלא את החצי השני. "מודה אני" לפני "אני מודה".


שותפות - תפיסת עולם שבמסגרתה רואה האדם את עצמו כלוקח חלק בתהליכים ולא כעומד מהצד.

הבנה עמוקה שהכישרונות מפוזרים הם בעולם והשותפות הינה ערך המוביל לשלמות גדולה יותר. "טובים השניים מן האחד"

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